May 18, 2012

Couples Retreat "Me" Time

There comes a time in life where certain things in relationships are going to get to a point where frustration will become greater, attitudes will become more aggressive and Stress will began to create itself out of  lack of  "ME" Time. Kids began to grow and ask some of the strangest questions that may have you pulling your hair out of your skull's core. Why?, i  don't know but kids do say the darn est things sometimes. It could be school  or maybe even your neighbors music was disturbing your peace of mind. Whatever the situation may be,  I have learned over the years that in any relationship you are fully committed to, spending alone time will absolutely eliminate the daily stress measures of life and bring some sort of relief to any intensive situation couple wise. a lot of times with work,  kids, and priority list being overwhelmed, ninety percent of the times taking the load off and spending time with the person you fell in love with eases the tension and makes going forward an easy process. I highly recommend that more couples try more "ME" time, not meaning being in a secluded corner by yourself  or locked in a room to where the kids cant enter!  No,  when i refer to "ME" time it is to where couples send the kids away for a day or two and rekindle the love that first brought you two together in life while remembering your togetherness purpose!

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